Deodorant sticks are the next target for single-use plastic waste reduction

Over the years customers have often asked us why we don’t make a stick deodorant, why cream? (They sheepishly admit that the idea of having to touch their underarm while applying deodorant makes them squeamish) Our answer has been the same since the beginning. Not only do we care about the health of our customers (using high quality, natural ingredients to help minimize the burden of chemicals our bodies receive), but we care about the health of our planet too. That is why in 2017 we made a commitment to switch the majority of our line from plastic to glass jars and bottles.

Single-use plastics have never been an option here on Crawford Street. Every time we considered making stick deodorants we carefully looked at the packaging and were disheartened by how much plastic and wasted space there is in a deodorant stick. More than half of the container is plastic and less than half is actual product!

And so, we decided that we would continue producing our cream deodorants in glass jars and persuade people that touching your underarm, while applying fast-absorbing deodorant is not such a bad thing!  Certainly not as bad as throwing away a plastic applicator destined for landfills and oceans. In Europe, where they are much more caring of the environment, cream deodorants are the norm and some people say they even work better. We apply cream to our face with our fingers, so why not apply cream to our underarms in the same way? Now’s the the time to ditch the stick and join the Deodorant Cream Team and keep the planet green!


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